Sunday, May 7, 2006

women's retreat '06

Today I returned from the Women's Retreat. I went in not expecting much, just the usual. The weather was gorgeous, a complete opposite of the rain and chill predicted. I saw the funny sides of several women I have known only casually-- karaoke really brought out the entertainers in people. I especially enjoyed the numbers performed by Miss Deeners, Aeonomore, Old Cheetah, Londonna, and the famous Maureen. I stayed with two women who have really become my friends in the past 3 years. We had great talks about the hard things in our lives driving those two hours to and from LBI. Worship Saturday night was awesome as usual, with Kim and Joyce leading. But the best, and hardest part of the weekend was seeing an old friend unexpectedly, reconnecting, and having to say goodbye again. It all made me long for heaven where we will all be one day, worshiping, laughing, having fellowship together... forever. No more good-byes.

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