Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How I spent the last 1 1/2 hours:

The tools...

The project...

1,000 dandelions, literally. I counted.


And there are still thousands and thousands of these left.

I must admit, they are pretty in their own way,
but they can really take over if you aren't vigilant. Each spring I am out there for hours on my knees, killing my back and putting blisters on my hands (if you look closely, you can see my palm is already starting to bubble up, wah!).
And then the next day it looks like I have done NOTHING! As discouraging as that is, I still do it because I know that if I don't they will take over and my lawn will be nothing but a sea of dandelions.


EEEEMommy said...

Wow! And I just went around taking pictures of them (and the ants crawling on top of them). ;)

Soo said...

How about using weed killer or the Scotts feed and weed? It has to be easier than doing what you are. I would probably just let them take over.

Daisy said...

I don't really want to put any chemicals on my lawn, especially with the kids playing on it and the baby crawling all over it.

I pulled another 1,000 today!

chaps said...

just make the kids do it! ;)