Thursday, July 3, 2008

Bloggy Vacation

Yes, I have been on a little vacation from my blog. Things have been busy this summer and I feel like I don't have any time to go on the computer anymore. I have been babysitting a lot, going to the pool, and away on the weekends to the shore. And when I have some free time I have been reading. I have a stack of magazines that is about a foot high (with issues from October!!) that I need to work my way through. But that is taking a back seat to a trilogy I am reading - The Mark of the Lion, by Francine Rivers. It is pretty good, at least it is easy to read, and interesting, but probably won't make my list of all time favorites. Anyway, the books are pretty long, so when I get a chance I sit and read. We are on our way out this afternoon, back down to the shore, and I hear a baby who just woke up from her nap, so I must go. I promise I will be back soon, and I will try to upload pictures to prove that we are busy, and I am not just a lazy blogger.

Well, maybe I am a little ;)


EEEEMommy said...

I wondered whether you were in NH, I couldn't remember when you were going.
I loved the Mark of the Lion Trilogy! Without a doubt, they made it to my top ten list. I'm not as fond of her other books though.

Bala Waxworks said...

Time spent w/ your family and kids never needs to be apologized for! Enjoy your summer when these events are available to you... in November, no trips to the pool or shore will be a 'distraction' and you'll find yourself more inclined to blog to pass the gray days away! Hope to see you in Toms River shortly! luv, L

Heather said...

check out my newest post! (7/3) I will be calling you for pointers. :)

Becky said...

I really enjoyed the mark of the lion series too, though I haven't read the books in a loooong time. I'll have to check them out of the library again. I also really enjoyed the author's other book "Redeeming Love"