Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Farm days are here again...

I just got back from our first trip to the farm this year. Coming back to the farm each spring is always so exciting. Reacquainting ourselves with the rhythm of picking up our weekly produce, being out in the fields, greeting the farmers, it is all so refreshing. I took the boys, and they had a great time looking at the baby chicks, picking strawberries, and then feeding the hens. The strawberry crop is amazing this year! Rows and rows of big, juicy berries. It was actually the only thing I got today, because the real first day of pick-up isn't until next week. They just let us come early to get some strawberries, since they are ripe and ready to go. Next week I am looking forward to some chard, bok-choy and lettuce. We are ready for some fresh greens!!

1 comment:

The Moser Family said...

Love the chickens and farm life! :) Mary calls them Cock-a-doos.
We're enjoying fresh berries, cherries, and peas here. Oh, and salad almost every night.