Thursday, June 9, 2005

Summer, Summer, Summertime!


Summer has arrived, with all of its scents--freshly mown lawns, backyard barbecues, chlorine from the pool, coconut sunscreen, wood chip mulch in the garden, the light perfume of roses as they cascade over our back hedge, the night air fragrant with honeysuckle that grows thick on our front hill. Summer is the season I long for through the bitter days of winter. Shorts and bare feet, swimming and gardening, vacation down at the shore or up on the lake. I don't mind the heat-- I'd rather be sweating than shivering.

Today we are starting the first of our summer vacations. We will be driving down to Tom's River and staying through to Sunday. The Gerhards will join us on Saturday. We have a weekend full of activities planned-- a day at the ocean at Island Beach State Park, a day on the river in the boat, and maybe a night on the boardwalk. Today was a flurry of laundry, cleaning, and packing as well as taking care of the 4 children. It's always fun to get away, but it is a lot of work. Once you get there though, it's nice-- you don't have the stresses of your everyday life around you, the running of the house, bills to pay, lawns to mow. Life is more simplified, pared down. The biggest decision of the day is what to order at the Ground Round for dinner...mmm... I can already smell the popcorn!

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